Our Tae Kwon-Do schools are committed to good practice in which we protect children and vulnerable adults from harm. Our staff and volunteers accept and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promotes a safe and secure environment for all participants at all times.
We are proud to have achieved the NEW Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts for ALL of our schools.
As part of this process we want to ensure that some of our policies, procedures and codes of conduct are available to our members by having them online, as well as having essential contact information freely available.
Safeguarding Statement of Intent
We firmly believe that martial arts training presents a positive opportunity for all to learn martial arts and self-defence, improve their self-confidence and develop as an individual. Everyone who participates is entitled to do so in a safe, fair and professional environment.
Accordingly, the individual club and lead instructor has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that, when given responsibility for children below the age of 18 or vulnerable adults, the highest standards of professionalism and care will always be exercised.
Our clubs are committed to the best practices which protect children and adults at risk from harm. Staff and volunteers accept this and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promotes their safety and protection at all times.
To achieve this, we will;
develop an awareness of the issues which may lead to children or vulnerable adults being harmed.
create an open environment, by identifying designated people for each club to whom the children can turn to if they need to talk.
adopt the B.T.C. / T.A.G.B. safeguarding policies and guidelines which include codes of conduct for members and all adults working with children and vulnerable adults within our clubs, including instructors, parents and volunteers.
have in place careful recruitment, selection and management procedures. These procedures will include regular support and supervision given to staff and volunteers.
ensure that complaints, grievances and disciplinary procedures are in place.
share information about concerns with children and parents and others who need to.
ensure good and safe working / playing practices.
be involved in the training made available by the T.A.G.B. / B.T.C. as well as through the various agencies and companies available to us.
uphold any changes within the B.T.C. / T.A.G.B. safeguarding polices and implement them with immediate effect.
have procedures relating specifically to bullying, trips away from the club and the use of photography relating to the club.
Should we need to escalate a case, we will contact our national governing body (the British Tae Kwon-Do Council). Their Safeguarding / Welfare Officers information can be found at
Our lead Safeguarding & Welfare officer is:
Miss Briegan Tombling ​​​​
Supported by Safeguarding officers:
Mrs Jackie Tombling
Mr Andrew Tombling
Contact Email:
Dedicated Mobile: 07971 448004
As part of our commitment, the following documents and policies are available to download:
Essential Contacts
Social Media Policy
Photography & Video Policy
Events Away inc Transport & Lifts Policy
Guidelines for Dealing with an Accident
Dealing with Disclosure Flowchart
Child Protection Policy
Sports Equity Policy
Code of Conduct for Parents / Carers
Code of Conduct for Students
Code of Conduct for Spectators
Code of Conduct for Instructors
Code of Conduct for Officials
Code of Conduct for Volunteers